In 1849, the news of a gold discovery in California was announced in President Polk’s last state of the union address. That news sent hundreds of thousands of young men to leave their homes and farms and to walk, ride mules or horses, or take wagons to California. Very few found gold and while many men stayed in California, most returned home with empty pockets.
Those young men joined a large movement of people already underway, families heading to Oregon and California to get a new start on new land. Because this was an adventure for everyone, goldrushers and overland trail families, and because everyone left friends and families at home, they wrote letters and kept diaries about this moment in their lives. The young men, and a few women, who went to find gold, had different expectations and problems when they began traveling and when they reached California. The families who traveled, mostly multigenerational and from the Midwest, had money and experience that goldrushers didn’t, but everyone faced new situations. –Prof. Anne Hyde
Primary Sources: Original Documents from the Time
Swain, William, and Swain, Sabrina. “Letters,” 1849-1851 . New Perspectives on the West. (Companion Canvas page. See above.)
Secondary Sources: What Historians Have Written
Holliday, J. S. “Preface.” In The World Rushed in: The California Gold Rush Experience, 2–12. Red River Books. Norman University of Oklahoma Press, 2002. (Companion Canvas page. See above.)